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Neil Niren's Tips for Healthy Skin

Dr Neil Niren MD is giving away free tips on how to stay healthy with a healthy skin.

Natural Oils for Healthy Skin

Natural Oils for Healthy Skin

Once you try nourishing your skin with natural oils, you will hardly go back to the standard creams and beauty products that you've been using for so long. Skin care oils by far are the most convenient and most natural way to keep your skin youthful, moisturized, clean and healthy, says Neil Niren MD, a specialist with over 20 years of experience in dermatology.

Natural oils can solve many dermatological problems, and all it takes is a little persistence. Face oils have always been used for skin care, but recently they have become particularly popular. Thanks to their high concentrate of active ingredients that nourish, protect and rejuvenate the skin, women are increasingly introducing oils into their skin care routines. But, as Dr Neil Niren warns, oil is not suitable for all skin types, so therefore you need to discover when and in which case you should avoid them.

Oil does not clog pores and does not cause acne, but if your skin is prone to acne, it is best to use products that are meant for sensitive and problematic skin. However, if you can’t imagine your beauty regime without oil, Neil Niren MD recommends that you go with lavender oil, because it is mild and has the least active ingredients that may irritate your sensitive skin.

Oil cleansing is a regime when you use natural oils in specific combination, in order to cleanse your skin and naturally balance the skin’s oils. Traditional soaps and products based on facial cleaners can’t as nearly nourish and moisturize the skin like natural oils can.

According to Dr Neil Niren, the best way to use oil is to massage them to your skin. They will dissolve the oil that has hardened with impurities and found itself stuck in your pores, and will open your pores, allowing the oil to be easily removed. Even one drop of oil patted over damp skin will give your skin the lubrication needed to keep it from over-compensating in oil production. Those that are new to oil cleansing, and haven’t done it before, the best way to start is to try and figure out which blend of oils works best for you and your skin type.

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